When I Think I’m Right

Recently, I slipped into the restroom in between Sunday school and church, since wiggling in my seat the last fifteen minutes of the service is not a comfortable option. While washing my hands, a young boy about ten years old walked in. He looked familiar, but I didn’t know him by name. He obviously didn’t know me either.
For one frozen moment, we looked at each other figuring out what was wrong. He broke the ice saying, “Ahhh, what are you doing in here?” Ignoring his challenging tone, I mildly replied, “Well, this is the Women’s bathroom…”
“Nope!” He began shaking his head, correcting me with plenty of self-confidence.
Clearly, it was in his best interests that I not stand down. So I walked to the door with him close on my heels and pointed to the sign on the outside of the door.
When he saw the sign, his handsome brown eyes widened considerably. Then he yelled long and loud, “O MY GOD!” He took off running down the hall and never looked back.
I hoped for his sake he learned there are times we’re dead wrong when we are convinced we are right.
Have you ever been totally convinced of something, only to be proved wrong? My heart went out to him. A little. If he had been nicer about the whole thing, I might not have thought it was so funny.
None of us likes to be embarrassed and certainly not when we’re convinced our point of view is the correct one. I’ve had my share of being wrong at the top of my lungs, only to later discover a gentler approach would have served me much better.
A former pastor used to exhort us regularly, “God is not after hurting our pride. He wants to kill it!” Pride is the root of my less than humble attitudes. But it’s not enough to decide to have a less strident approach to life. We have to daily humble ourselves before a living God in order to deal with pride. We need His help to rid our lives of the pest of pride.
Lord, forgive me for thinking more highly of myself than I ought. Help me walk in humility for my own sake and so I can be a true blessing to others. Amen.
Guest post by author Mary Pat Johns

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Valerie Cullers
3 years ago

This was such a good post and really got a giggle out of it! Thank yo so much for posting it. I can certainly relate!

Patti Shene
3 years ago

Dave, I’m sure there is only one time in your life when you were wrong. That was the time you thought you were wrong and discovered you were right! HA!

My pride gets in the way when I’m on the phone with a customer service agent and they are trying to explain why a certain product, service, whatever, does not do what I think it should be doing. Not my finest moments for sure.

Great post, Mary Pat!

Gwendolyn Gage
3 years ago

Love this! Ha ha. Thank God for embarrassing moments that humble us and show us when we’re wrong. Thanks for sharing!

Kathy McKinsey
3 years ago

Oh yes, Lord, kill my pride please.

3 years ago

Who? Me? Wrong?
What’s she thinking?

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