The Long Game

In third grade, Mrs. Cobb asked us to write a story.

When she gave mine back to me, she said, “Andra, when I’m an old, old lady, I’ll go to the Bixby library and I’ll see a book by Andra Coleman.”

I already loved reading, but this was suddenly a new love. To have the vision and encouragement of my favorite teacher? To write a book? To have it published and be in the library?

I should have swelled with joy and excitement. And I did, really. I’ve never forgotten it. I’ve returned to that memory of specific encouragement countless times when the words wouldn’t come out on my paper. I’ve considered it as a life-altering act of truth-speaking love.

But still. I was a literal ten-year-old. My main thought was this:

“No, she won’t. My book won’t say Andra Coleman. I’ll be married by then.”

(I know. Again, let me remind you, I was ten.)

So Mrs. Cobb, if you’re out there, I’m going to print one copy with my maiden name and personally deliver it to the Bixby public library. Because I want you to find me and know. Your words to a quirky, awkward third grader made a difference — they gave hope, they created a dream, and they helped make something beautiful happen.

Sometimes encouragement requires playing the long game.

Guest post by Andra (Coleman) Loy

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Valerie McClendon
Valerie McClendon
4 years ago

Wow, what an affirmation in your life! Words can be so powerful, especially those directed to a young person.

4 years ago

What a great reminder of how our words matter and can speak life or death into someone. What a life giving comment she gave you! Thanks for this, sweet friend.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shaen Mehl

Pragmatic…or boy crazy? Yeah, let’s go with pragmatic.

4 years ago

Next time I’m in the Bixby library…

Barbara Coleman
Barbara Coleman
4 years ago

I love this! It’s encouragement for the encourager… Our words really do make a difference in others’ lives.

Shaen Mehl
4 years ago

Your ten-year-old self was quite the pragmatist, Audra! Loved hearing this story of encouragement ?

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