Today, on the nineteenth anniversary of 9-11, we remember the images of planes flying at low altitudes, ramming steel towers and falling from the sky in Pennsylvania and into the Pentagon, transforming the landscape and claiming innocent lives.

Our country reeled in the aftereffects of this tragic and painful day.  People gathered in churches, and members of Congress  assembled on the steps of the Capitol and sang “God Bless America.” We lowered our flags to half-mast and mourned with those who suffered great loss.

Then, time marched on and, as though nothing had happened, most of us went back to “business as usual.”

When did our dependence on God slip into self-reliance? Though the body count escalated, did the years of war numb us? With the stock and housing crises behind us, did pride prevent us from seeking our Creator?

More tragedies have claimed lives, and rather than coming together as “one  nation under God,” we’ve pointed our fingers. . . or worse.

What can be done at this eleventh hour?

What would you do to be the nation blessed by God and called His own, chosen for His inheritance?

Is the answer as simple as praying and turning back to God?



By Amre Cortadino

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Roberta Kautz
3 years ago

Yes, pray, pray, and pray some more – for our country, for our leaders, for the upcoming election, for people who are hurting because of fires, riots, and Covid. Pray!

Patti Shene
3 years ago

I pray that our nation will someday return to a nation of people who respect, praise, and glorify God!

Thank you for sharing, Amre.

Pam Young
Pam Young
3 years ago

Thank you for your article. Concise. A time no one will ever forget. Father we pray for the families of the thousands of people who lost their lives and the “first responders” who reached out to help. Many still suffer from the toxins and are dieing to this day. May they turn their lives to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.❤

Mary Pat Johns
3 years ago

Excellent reminder! I was at work. A lady whom I had never met before called our business and told me to turn on the tv. What a shock. Yes, our reliance must be in God–He’s the wellspring.

3 years ago

The phone rang. It was Judy, a friend from fellowship.
“You never have your TV on, Dave. Turn it on right now.”

Our tiny set warmed up and showed the collapse and the second plane crashing into the tower beside it.

Turn. Back? Hmm… Deep discussion hole there, which I’ll avoid for now.

However, if a group of people turns to the Lord, he can choose to help. Notice the variables in this equation.

No variable, however, in Jesus’ words: “In this world you will have much trouble. But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Kathy McKinsey
3 years ago

Yes, Lord,I cannot rely on myself. Help us.

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