Does the name Obed-Edom sound familiar?

First Chronicles records genealogies. Lots of them. And every once in a while, an amazing nugget of truth pops up. This one would make Indiana Jones eat his heart out!

Obed-Edom was first mentioned in 2 Samuel. Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant and God displayed his wrath against him. Yet, Obed-Edom stored the Ark in his home for three months and God blessed him and his family.

Ever wonder why God seemingly blesses some folks and not others? Let’s be honest – ever wonder why God blesses them and not us? Aren’t we just as deserving, faithful in our walk with the Lord, and every bit as humble? After all, how much would it hurt if the limelight occasionally shone on us?

Maybe those thoughts hummed through Uzzah’s mind when he felt he needed to prevent the Ark from toppling.

That’s when everyone ran and hid. Everyone but Obed-Edom. He opened his front door and hollered, “Sure, bring it on in.”

Imagine what the neighbors thought! For Sale By Owner signs popped up everywhere.

God knew Obed-Edom was the right curator for the Ark, the symbol of His presence. He blessed Obed-Edom with eight sons and numerous grandsons. In fact, his sixty-two heirs became temple gatekeepers. The Bible says “…they and their sons and their relatives were capable men with the strength to do the work…” (1 Chronicles 26:8, NIV)

God knows our hearts. David asked God in Psalm 139 to search his heart.

When God looks inside us, will He find us grumbling, seeking the praise of men, or capable of serving with the strength that only comes from joy in Him?

Written by Amre Cortadino

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Valerie Cullers
3 years ago

Such a good post and great questions at the end! Thank you!

Kathy McKinsey
3 years ago

Oh, excellent thoughts!:)

3 years ago

Very enjoyable quote from Obed-Edom. Not sure I would do that.

Patti Shene
3 years ago

Amre, I love the way you can take those ancient Bible stories and turn them into life lessons for modern day. Thank you for sharing!

Mary Pat Johns
3 years ago

Oh, that I might be capable and have the strength to do the tasks God has for me! Only in Him, do I have these things.

3 years ago

Gotta love those for sale signs!

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